

什么是表观遗传学? 细胞如何修饰DNA和RNA

Each of the billions of cells in a person's body has the same DNA blueprint and epigenetics is the process that controls which genes are expressed, 产生了许多不同的细胞类型.1 如果DNA是基因组的原始代码, 表观遗传学是指当按下键盘上的“enter”键时,代码是如何运行的.

Cancer biologists have long known that gene expression is different in different cells. Epigenetics are the reason one type of cell looks and acts differently from another.1 研究基因表达的修饰, 而不是基因组本身, 让澳门第一赌城在线娱乐更深入地了解这些变化发生的原因, 以及如何利用它们开发药物.2

Inside every cell is approximately two metres of DNA that is wound around histone proteins and packaged into chromatin, 提供了一种在细胞核中组织DNA和RNA的有效方法.3,11 然而, this compact structure means that DNA is inaccessible to the cellular machinery that is required for gene expression.4 为了克服这个问题, epigenetic protein complexes known as ‘writers’ add chemical modifications to histones to promote chromatin remodelling. This switches genes on, while ‘erasers’ remove these marks and switch genes off.4 蛋白质也可以通过直接修饰DNA和RNA来调节基因表达.1 Together these epigenetic mechanisms tell a cell which genes to switch on and off throughout a cell’s lifespan, 当. 当这些机制失灵时, 然而, 它们可以改变细胞的行为方式,甚至可以导致癌症. 4,12

Discover more about the role of epigenetic regulation in cancer and how deepening our understanding of the process may lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches in this video:


Advances in cancer biology over the last decade have led to a number of emerging fields, 包括基于表观遗传学疗法的探索.5 作为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在搭建的六个科学平台之一 肿瘤学, we are investing in technology and expertise to better understand the role of epigenetics in disease. With this, we hope to pioneer new ways to attack cancer by modulating gene expression.

Dysregulation of epigenetic processes can result in disease initiation and is a hallmark of cancer.6 通过劫持这些过程, 癌症可以重新编程细胞的基因表达谱,使其有利于生存, 促进了它的进化并导致了对治疗的耐药性.6 然而, this also creates a tumour-specific vulnerability that can be exploited therapeutically - from cancer detection and targeting to reprogramming immune cells and tackling resistance. 6,7 通过研究这些表观遗传缺陷是如何导致癌症的, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还可以开发针对这些变化的癌症疗法.


We are deciphering cancer’s epigenome at the cellular level using cutting edge technologies like multi-omics to generate new insights into the role of epigenetic dysregulation and chromatin remodeling in cancer.8

加深对表观遗传变化的理解, 尤其是疾病开始时发生的变化, could improve our ability to detect cancer with potential to identify and treat cancer in earlier stages.5 By exploring new ways to classify tumours we hope to identify more patient segments to help develop the next wave of precision medicines with the potential to move us closer to cures.9

表观基因组测序也推动了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对耐药性的理解. Our aim is to understand how cancer manipulates the epigenetic sequencing to resist treatment which may inform novel approaches to overcome this.9

Epigenetics represents an untapped opportunity in cancer biology for researchers, 肿瘤学家和未来的癌症患者,陈浩文说, 执行董事,表观遗传学主任,肿瘤R&D.

Our aim is to build a portfolio of therapies to target cancer and its vulnerabilities, including inhibitors of key epigenetic processes such as chromatin remodeling and RNA or histone modification. Our ambition is a future where epigenetic therapies are embedded into cancer care to ultimately improve patient outcomes.

何文灿 执行董事,表观遗传学主任,肿瘤R&D

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐知道伟大的科学不是孤立发生的, so we are expanding expertise and capabilities by partnering with experts in the field. Our collaboration with 口音疗法 explores RNA Modifying Proteins (RMPs) as emerging cancer drug targets. RMPs控制RNA转化为蛋白质,并在某些癌症中升高, 什么支持肿瘤生长和存活.10 We are also partnering with Proteros to identify novel chemical matters to drug epigenetic enzymes.


The multidisciplinary epigenetics team is part of our 肿瘤学Research and Development organisation, a dynamic environment where people are challenged to think big and act boldly.

Driven by science, our researchers are at one of the most exciting crossroads in oncology. We are building a world-class team to discover and develop new cancer therapies with the ambition of transforming patients’ lives. 表观遗传学是癌症研究的前沿, and we welcome collaboration among all disease expertise and platforms to help drive this wave of innovation.




1.   医疗在线. 什么是表观遗传学? 可在:http://medlineplus.gov /表观基因组遗传学/理解/ howgeneswork / /. 2022年6月访问.

2.   Scitable. 基因表达与调控. 可在:http://www.自然.com/scitable/topic/gene-expression-and-regulation-15/. 2022年6月访问

3.   刘建军,刘建军,刘建军,等. 染色体DNA及其在染色质纤维中的包装. 纽约Garland科学. 2022.

4.   菲利普斯T,肖K. 真核生物的染色质重塑. 自然教育. 2008;1(1):209

5.   Weinhold B. 表观遗传学:变化的科学. 环境健康展望. 2006;114(3): A160–A167.

6.   温赖特EN,斯基迪迪,P. Epigenetics and cancer stem cells: Unleashing, hijacking, and restricting cellular plasticity. 趋势癌症. 2017;3(5): 372–386.

7.   Kaur J, Daoud A, Eblen ST. 靶向染色质重塑用于癌症治疗. 当前Mol药物. 2019;12(3):215-229.

8.   Pettini F,等. 多组学模型在癌症遗传学中的应用. 生物医学杂志. 2021; 22(11): 5751.

9.   Herceg Z, Hainaut P. Genetic and epigenetic alterations as biomarkers for cancer detection, diagnosis and prognosis. 摩尔杂志. 2007; 1(1): 26–41.

10. 口音疗法. RNA-modifying蛋白质. 可在:http://www.accenttx.com/our-scientific-focus/rna-modifying-proteins/. 2022年6月访问.

11. Michalak EM等. DNA、RNA和组蛋白甲基化在衰老和癌症中的作用. 《澳门第一赌城在线娱乐》. 2019;20(10):573-589.

12. 英国癌症研究中心. 基因,DNA和癌症. 可在:http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/what-is-cancer/genes-dna-and-cancer.  2022年6月访问

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